Milagro Sala

Milagro Sala
Born January 27, 1964 (1964-01-27) (age 48)
San Salvador de Jujuy
Nationality Argentine
Occupation President of the Tupac Amaru Neighborhood Association

Milagro Sala (born January 27, 1964) is a leader of the Tupac Amaru neighborhood association,[1] part of the Association of State Workers (ATE) of Jujuy, and a leading figure in the Movimiento piquetero of Argentina.


Early life

Sala was born in the Lower Azopardo neighborhood of San Salvador de Jujuy.[2] At 15 years old she discovered that was adopted and that her biological mother had abandoned her in a cardboard box in front of a hospital. She left the house where she was raised. She lived for years among hustlers, drug dealers, thieves and prostitutes. She was a shoe shiner, robbed with her friends, and abused narcotics; at age 18 she was caught and jailed. There, she organized a hunger strike that resulted in her being allowed to cook for her fellow female prisoners, with better food at equal cost. She spent eight months in prison, and counseled other Lower Azopardo prostitutes toward changing their situation and leaving that environment.

Sala subsequently joined the Argentine Workers' Center (CTA). She gained nationwide notoriety for the power she obtained in the Province of Jujuy through the Asociacion barrial Tupac Amaru (Tupac Amaru neighborhood association).[1] This NGO manages a 200 million peso (us$50 million) budget, at least 40 vehicles, and over 300 firearms registered in RENAR.[3] Its influence led to conflict with conservative political figures in Jujuy, however, and following a series of exchanged accusations, she participated in the partial looting and burning of the Jujuy Government Hall in October 2007.[4] She’s also had charges filed for death threats and destruction of property by Senator Gerardo Morales.[5][6] She denied involvement in a 2009 incident in which two youths attacked Morales, asserting that the accusations are politically motivated and without proof.[7]

She is the mother of two children, and the adoptive mother of twelve.[2]

Asociacion barrial Tupac Amaru

Tupac Amaru receives 7.9 million pesos (us$1.9 million) per month for public housing construction subsidies from the National Government.[8] It includes 70,000 affiliates, whose membership is requisite in keeping their children in school, where applicable. Members form housing cooperatives through which government subsidies are channeled, and which completed 3,000 housing units by the end of 2009.[7] The organization also manages six factories employing 5,000 workers in the construction material, tool and die, and textile industries. It maintains two schools and a clinic equipped with a MRI scanner.[7]

The political ideology of the Tupac Amaru organization is represented by the historical figures of Tupac Amaru, Che Guevara and Eva Perón.[9] They consider themselves indigienista, proclaiming the government of Bolivian President Evo Morales as a political model.[10]

Sala attributes many of the accusations against the group and herself to racism, affirming that "we will be investigated, while there was corruption among companies. I am dark skinned, and a Kolla, but I´m not stupid." [11]

Tupac Amaru established branches elsewhere in Argentina, including Salta, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Buenos Aires (the Villa 31), and Mendoza; these new chapters total 16 organizations.[12]


  1. ^ a b We Magazine “Milagro” is Spanish for “miracle” which is what many think Milagro Sala has accomplished. Like other jobless groups in Argentina her organization, Tupac Amaru (named after a revolutionary 18th century Inca), received money from the government. But unlike most of them, the organization of this diminutive Indigenous woman has gained the love and respect of her people.
  2. ^ a b Página 12 "Milagro también es peronista desde niña. Su madre adoptiva, de quien estuvo distanciada muchos años pero a quien siempre amó mucho, y sigue haciéndolo, le escribió una vez una carta a Evita y tuvo respuesta. Le llegó una de aquellas máquinas de coser de las que habla la leyenda. A Jujuy llegó aquella Singer. A Jujuy nunca había llegado nada."
  3. ^ Milagro Sala: Una comandante K...
  4. ^ Milagro Sala quema casa de Gobierno de Jujuy
  5. ^ Procesan a la piquetera Milagro Sala por amenazas y daños 06/10/10 - 10:04
  6. ^ La Nacion Newspaper article
  7. ^ a b c "Violencia mediática, odio de clase y género contra Milagro Salas". Insurrectas y Punto. 
  8. ^ milagros-sala-the-governor-of-a-parallel-state (EN)
  9. ^ Arte Politica Túpac Amaru es el que representa a nuestros antepasados y también Evita y el Che Guevara.
  10. ^ El Ojo Digital El vertiginoso desarrollo de Tupac Amaru en 17 provincias tiene que ver con una característica original: es la única organización social que capta políticamente a las comunidades indígenas. Sala lidera los reclamos de tres comunidades, los guaraníes, los coyas y los mapuches, siendo los dos últimos los más activos. Pese a ser una dirigente promocionada por la Casa Rosada, su terminal política no es Kirchner sino Evo Morales. En la ceremonia del Tiwanako del año pasado, Sala se sentó a pocos metros del mandatario boliviano para festejar el "renacimiento de los pueblos originarios."
  11. ^ "Milagro Sala defends her housing programme". Buenos Aires Herald. 
  12. ^ Tupac Amaru Ya estamos avanzando, en Salta tenemos Tupac Amaru, en Tucumán, en Santiago del Estero, también estamos teniendo Tupac Amaru; en Capital Federal, en la Villa 31; trece, quince, dieciséis, también en Mendoza. Estamos avanzando despacio, la idea es tratar de instalarnos en todos los lugares y pelearla. Mirá, una manera de no ser egoísta: Mendoza, por ejemplo, nosotros conseguimos doscientas viviendas para los mendocinos de la Tupac. Ahora, si nosotros hubiésemos tenido una mentalidad cerrada, de decir todo para nosotros, hubiésemos dicho, por qué tenemos que conseguirle doscientas viviendas a Mendoza, cuando podía haber traído esas doscientas viviendas a Jujuy; por qué tenemos que conseguirle ciento veinte viviendas a Salta, en lugar de traerlas para acá.

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